Saturday, June 28, 2014

10 Ways to Use Fresh Basil

Credit: RJP 10 of Our Best Uses for the Lucious Basils We Grow.There is nothing better than fresh basil. Even non-Mediterranean Minnesotans are highly attracted to this very healthy food. We sell basil during the main growing season for the same price as lettuce. What a great deal. Like many things that are good for us we love the taste of basil. Here are 10 ways to use basil:
  1. Pesto, one of the most popular. See our post on how to make your own fresh pesto.
  2. Layer a few leaves on your hamburger as you grill or serve. Also looks great.
  3. Pizza sauce. chop finely and add 1/2 cup to your favorite sauce. Also is good with a white sauce.
  4. Pasta sauce. Add 1 cup finely chopped to your favorite sauce.
  5. Meatballs. Add 1 cup to a batch of meatballs or meatloaf.
  6. Salads. Finely chop and add to your favorite salad oil. Drizzle on fresh tomatoes.
  7. Cream cheese. Mince and add to cream cheese. 1/4 cup to a package of cream cheese.
  8. Sub Sandwich. Add a few leaves instead of lettuce. I like arugula on subs too.
  9. Green beans and olive oil. Chop finely. I've got a great recipe for this posted.
  10. Desert, Green Apple and Basil Granita, you'll have to Google this one.

Here are a few more bonus idea you may want to try.
  1. Grilled Baby Zucchini with Basil and Balsamic Vinegar, with Red Pepper
  2. Shrimp with Tomato and Basil
  3. Roasted Corn with Basil-Shallot Vinaigrette
  4. Steak BLT with Basil Mayonnaise. This mayo goes with anything. Make your mayo from scratch.
  5. Corn and Basil pancakes. Nice as an appetizer.

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