Monday, May 19, 2014

How to Maximize the Production of The Herb Rosemary

To maximize the production of Rosemary for your kitchen garden, do the following...

  1. Buy big plants. A tiny starter plant takes a long time to size up. 
  2. Use the biggest pot possible for your plant. No matter how much care you give your plants you won't be able to overcome a root bound plant in too small a pot. If you are going to grow your rosemary in a pot, 1 gallon would be minimum. 
  3. Enrich your potting mix with about 25 percent compost. The microbes and minerals in compost will provide excellent disease protection and flavor that realizes the full potential of the plant.
  4. Fertilize organically. I suggest two approaches. A small charge of organic fertilizer when the plants are first potted or planted. A teaspoon in a gallon pot would be about right. Then after several weeks fertilize with a tablespoon of fish emulsion per gallon of water around the base of the plant.
  5. Train your rosemary plant. The tip of the central spire can be pinched when the plant reaches the desired height. Let the plant develop an adequate scaffolding before you start the training process and the plant will reward you with a excellent harvest. The side shoots that develop after the tip is pinched are the best way to harvest. If your harvest requirements exceed the production of your plant, get a second plant.
We will have rosemary plants at the Rochester Downtown Farmers Market all summer. Stop down and see Jenna our herb expert.

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