Wouldn't it be nice when we had a bad day or something didn't go right at work, that we could just get a new starter.
In some respects each new year is like getting a new starter.
Let's look at 5 ways a new year can give opportunities to restart.
- See your doctor
and get a physical to make sure you are in top condition. Loose some weight. You will look better and feel better.
- Get a financial check-up. Many people get goals to save in a new year and while this is a worthy goal. They would en be better off if they reduced their spending and set goals to get out of debt
in the shortest time possible.
- Shop at your local farmers market
. Fresh and local. You want to improve the planet, start by buying organic in your own community.
- Read a non-fiction book every month this year. This is a goal easily attained. If you aren't a paper and ink kind of person then get a book on tape or down load one to your i-pod and listen on your commute.
- Spend a time in scripture every day and attend church regularly. It will renew your mind.
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