From the Story of
I didn't set out to use
this story for my class assignment, I wanted to do Lyrics about how Israel moved from slavery
in Egypt to a free and generous people in the wilderness. However I
got stuck on the story of Joseph. I had often thought there were many
parallels between the life of Christ and the things God did through
Joseph. That is what my hymn is about, the foreshadowing of a savior.
There is so much going on here, that I decided to also add a
commentary to explain line by line, so the richness of the story and
the parallels to Christ are understood. See the second page for this.
I have no idea how you would put music to this, but it does sound
poetical. I might have switched forms for the last paragraph,
but those were the words in my mind. What does it mean when the poem is
16 short lines and the explanation is three pages? I guess there is more going on here than meets the eye. Check it out. Here is the poem again.
A diadem of colors,
white, Israel's favorite son
Foresees majestic
future, bright, from the Holy One.
Wicked jealous
brothers, bent, no vision only cost
Betray the young
redeemer, sent, a son of Israel lost
A sojourn in a country,
far, of stripes and victories won
A faithful broken
servant's, star, keeps listening as a son
Two men in dungeon
dreary, three, have messages divine
For one the bread is
broken, tree, one partakes the wine.
A holy humble servant, best, suffering but meek
A vision during kingly,
rest, interpretations seek
A whisper from creator,
of mystery, earthly kings
Lifts up a slave, of
history, a world salvation brings
Israel's King triumphant, fight, His wisdom bless and save
Narrow path for lasting
life, of light, from birth to grave
Brothers restored,
Israel unite, to the Son of favor
The Father saved, The
Spirit's might, through Jesus Christ our Savior.
Okay, so here goes on the explanation. I did not intend this when they were written, but I found out later that many of the stanzas
have multiple meanings, so I thought it might be helpful to explain
as some are not obvious, unless you contemplate a bit.
A diadem of colors,
white, Israel's favorite son
A diadem is royal apparel. Joseph's coat of
many colors, all colors reflect from white. Jesus wears a
white robe in Revelation. Joseph's father was Israel and
he was clearly his fathers favorite. Jesus, as
messiah, would ultimately grow in favor of God and
man. But not in a sense of favoritism but in a whole, pure, good and sinless way.
Foresees majestic
future, bright, from the Holy One.
Joseph had a dream where his
father and brothers would bow down to him, even the sun and
moon (his father and mother) would someday follow his
leadership. Joseph always acknowledge God as the
source of his dreams. Jesus also acknowledged God as
the source of all that he was. Jesus said he was obedient to his father at all times during his journey on earth.
Wicked jealous
brothers, bent, no vision only cost
Ten brothers in sin and jealousy
set out to destroy Joseph. This was very short sighted and
resulted in nothing but grief for them until this grave
mistake was restored. But in the end Jesus restored even
these wicked brothers to use them to build a nation
that would tell his story through out the ages.
Betray the young
redeemer, sent, a son of Israel lost
Like Judas betrayed Jesus to the
religious leaders, so Joseph was betrayed by his brothers.
For a time both were lost to those that loved them.
A sojourn in a country,
far, of stripes and victories won
Joseph was sent to Eygpt as a
slave, he was at a severe disadvantage but through God's
blessing displayed great skill, wisdom and leadership. Jesus
came to earth, which was not his home., he was the
wisest man that ever lived, but put himself in the
position of a slave to win the greatest victory of all
history, over sin and death.
A faithful broken
servant's, star, keeps listening as a son
Joseph was a slave and in
prison, it doesn't get much more broken than this. Yet he
could remember that original dream when the moon
and stars bowed down to him. This was no longer a source of
pride but no doubt God used this memory to keep hope alive.
Joseph was always obedient to his father, to
Potiphar, to the jailer, to Pharoah and most
importantly God, he listened as a son. Jesus too
listened to both is earthly and heavenly father. The star of
Bethlehem for told his greatness and kept hope alive with
Joseph and Mary.
Two men in dungeon
dreary, three, have messages divine.
The baker and
the cup bearer both have dreams. Which Joseph is able to
interpret by Gods revelation. Three days is an important
time period in scripture.
For one the bread is
broken, tree, and one partakes the wine.
I did not
realize the thematic elements of Communion in this part of
the story, but it is so obvious that it must be right. Also,
the two thieves on the cross were similar to what happened
with these two guys. Today you will be with me in
paradise. Also note the three day period in this part
of the story. God uses three days a lot, including the
resurrection. I was tempted to use the word three
instead of tree. But tree foreshadows the cross.
A holy humble servant,
best, suffering but meek
Joseph conducted himself in purity, he was
one of the best examples in scripture, he suffered unjustly.
Meekness is great wisdom or power under discipline
and control. That was Joseph and Jesus was just like this as well.
A vision during kingly,
rest, interpretations seek
Pharaoh had a dream and so did royalty at
the time of Christ like Herod's wife. Dreams seem to happen
at the turning points of history.
A whisper from creator,
of mystery, and kings
Jesus is the source of dreams and mysteries. He
lifts up and brings down the mighty. You can see his
finger prints all over this story.
Lifts up a slave, of
history, a world salvation brings
A slave blessed
by God becomes second in command of the most powerful nation
in the area, which is about to become many more times more
powerful due to the God given wisdom of this slave.
Joesph's plan to mitigate the famine saves countless lives in
nations well beyond Eygpt (including his father, brothers and
their families).
Joseph's plan also results in a massive transfer of wealth to Eygpt, similar to the transfer of wealth to the oil rich nations of the middle east. We think that Pharaoh was very generous to give Joseph's family the rich region of Goshen. Joseph transforms Eygpt from a regional influence to a world wide super power with no armies and no human coercion. Pharoah owned it all due to Joseph. Giving Joseph the equivalent of the San Joaquin Valley one of the richest regions of the world. Was a very small token of his appreciation.
In the same way Jesus owns the cattle on a thousand hills including the cattle. His work in history brings salvation to the nations.
Joseph's plan also results in a massive transfer of wealth to Eygpt, similar to the transfer of wealth to the oil rich nations of the middle east. We think that Pharaoh was very generous to give Joseph's family the rich region of Goshen. Joseph transforms Eygpt from a regional influence to a world wide super power with no armies and no human coercion. Pharoah owned it all due to Joseph. Giving Joseph the equivalent of the San Joaquin Valley one of the richest regions of the world. Was a very small token of his appreciation.
In the same way Jesus owns the cattle on a thousand hills including the cattle. His work in history brings salvation to the nations.
Israel's King
triumphant, fight, His wisdom bless and save
The lyrics now
switch to the true focus of our song. It is all about Jesus,
the triumphant King, who wins the fight, the world is redeemed
through his plan, promise and the world is restored from sin.
Narrow path for lasting
life, of light, from birth to grave
Joseph's example
is one of following the narrow path of true devotion to God,
all the way all the time. No wonder Jesus would whisper in
his ear through his dreams, HE WAS LISTENING and HE OBEYED.
Brothers restored,
Israel unite, to the Son of favor
This has dual
meaning, all apply to Joseph and all apply to Christ.
Father saved, Spirit's
might, through Jesus Christ our Savior.
It is all about
Jesus, with the Trinity ever present.
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