Spinach will over winter here in our Zone 4 climate. That is good news, becuase the baby spinach plants go to sleep (go dormant) over the winter and wake up in April to start growing again.
The year Reed was born (17 years ago) we had and El Nino year with a very early warm spring.
What do you think happened to the spinach?
Yep, it started growing in early March and by the end of April it was starting to bolt. Bolted spinach doesn't have much commercial value so it was time to plant a new crop. I tilled under about 500 square feet of spinach about 18 inches tall.
That was the biggest wilted spinach salad I have ever made. It pained me to do that, but we got a great crop of peas and beans where the spinach had been.
We will have spinach at the May market this year, right on schedule.
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