Saturday, January 16, 2016

Financial Peace for You

Sunday morning January 17, 2016 at 9:00 am at Autumn Ridge Church starts our next Financial Peace University class.

It is taught by Dave Ramsey via DVD. Topics include...

  1. Super Saving, Common Sense for Your Dollars and Cents
  2. Relating With Money, Nerds and Free Spirits Unite!
  3. Cash Flow Planning, The Nuts and Bolts of Budgeting
  4. Dumping Debt, Breaking the Chains of Debt
  5. Buyer Beware, The Power of Marketing on Your Buying Decisions
  6. The Role of Insurance, Protecting Your Health, Family and Finances
  7. Retirement and College Planning, Mastering the Alphabet Soup of Investing
  8. Real Estate and Mortgages, Keeping the American Dream From Becoming a Nightmare
  9. Unleashing the Power of Generous Giving, give like no one else.
FPU is not just hope for families that are struggling financially, it is for ordinary families who are doing well and want to take their financial peace to the next level. Whether you are a young adult just starting your career, a family with children, or retiring with dignity, FPU can help you achieve financial peace.

Lisa and I host the class. We have had 470 people take this class and many report "This changes everything". Come find out how.

You maybe reading this for the first time Sunday morning. We invite you to come. If you don't catch this post until after Sunday morning, come next week. You can register on

If you have a High School Junior or Senior in your home we are making a special invitation to parents and students to attend together.  Help your student get this life changing training before they have to meet the challenges of the adult world and to avoid money traps.

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