Friday, June 10, 2016

Brussels Sprout Slaw, with Maple Dressing

I know brussels sprouts are a little out of season here in Minnesota, but I had a craving for some slaw and that seemed like a good base.

It made a good complement to steel head trout.

Here is the recipe...

  1. One pound brussels sprouts. Stems trimmed.
  2. I used a couple of stems off of a head of broccoli to shred.
  3. Dried cherries and shaved almonds.
  1. 1/4 cup olive oil
  2. 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
  3. Deasjon Mustard
  4. 2 tablespoons maple syrup
  5. One clove finely diced.
  1. In food processor finely slice brussels sprouts.
  2. grate broccoli stems
  3. Add cherries.
  4. mix dressing and toss salad while adding dressing.
Let set for 1/2 hour. Enjoy.

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