Wednesday, January 14, 2015

The Starter

I had trouble starting my 1993 pickup last night after work. A good Samaritan tried to help me jump start the engine to no avail. So Lisa came to get me and we left the truck in the parking lot over night. The next morning I called a tow truck and they took the pickup to the clinic to get fixed. No not the Mayo Clinic, Virgil's car clinic. After diagnosis they determined that I needed a new starter. An hour later I was back on the road.

Wouldn't it be nice when we had a bad day or something didn't go right at work, that we could just get a new starter.

In some respects each new year is like getting a new starter.

Let's look at 5 ways a new year can give opportunities to restart.
  1. See your doctor and get a physical to make sure you are in top condition. Loose some weight. You will look better and feel better.
  2. Get a financial check-up. Many people get goals to save in a new year and while this is a worthy goal. They would en be better off if they reduced their spending and set goals to get out of debt in the shortest time possible.
  3. Shop at your local farmers market. Fresh and local. You want to improve the planet, start by buying organic in your own community.
  4. Read a non-fiction book every month this year. This is a goal easily attained. If you aren't a paper and ink kind of person then get a book on tape or down load one to your i-pod and listen on your commute.
  5. Spend a time in scripture every day and attend church regularly. It will renew your mind.

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